Guys |
Andy Trudea
Jeremy Burns
Mark Won
Leo Wyatt
Dan Gordan
Leo and Piper married
Leo and Piper again
Owen Grant
Cole Turner
Cole and Phoebe Married
Jason Dean
Victor and Patty married
then divorced
Sam and Patty had Paige
Bianca and Chris engaged
Spells |
To Gain Powers Cast by: 1.1 - Phoebe 2.1 - Prue, Piper and Phoebe
now the words of the witches The secrets we hid in the night The oldest of gods are invoked here The great work
of magic is sought In the night and in this hour I call upon the ancient power Bring your powers to we sisters
three We want the power Give us the power |
To Kill Jeremy Cast by: Piper (but it failed)
Ingredients: A rose, a drop of
blood from the person casting the spell, a poppet
Your love wither and depart from my life and my heart, Let
me be, Jeremy, and go away forever. |
Power Of Three Spell Cast by: 1.1 - Prue, Piper and Phoebe 2.1 - Prue, Piper and Phoebe
2.22 - Prue, Piper and Phoebe 4.21 - Paige, Piper and Phoebe
The Power Of Three will set us free The Power Of Three will
set us free The Power Of Three will set us free
- I've Got You Under My Skin
To Vanquish Javnah Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Evil eyes, look unto thee May
they soon extinguished be. Bend thy will to the power of three, Eye of earth, evil and accursed. |
- Thank You For Not Morphing
To Banish Shapeshifters Cast by: Phoebe, then all three sisters
When in the circle that
is home Safety's gone and evils roam Rid all beings from these walls Save sisters three Now heed our call
1.5 - Dream Sorcerer
To Attract Men Cast by: Piper and Phoebe
I conjure thee I conjure thee I'm
the Queen you're the bee As I desire so shall it be
To Discourage A Lover Cast by: Not cast
Cayenne pepper 2 mandrake roots 1 cup
of betel nuts 1 lock of lover’s hair 1 honeycake (optional - if you are male) Red wine
Your love for me shall be no more Make your feelings only
pure. Look upon another face Theirs will mine now replace.
- The Truth Is Out There... (And It Hurts)
Truth Spell Cast by: 1.8: Prue 5.21: Paige
For those who want the
truth revealed Opened hearts and secrets unsealed For now until it's now again After which the memory ends Those
who now are in this house Will hear the truth from other's mouths
- The Witch Is Back
To Capture Matthew Tate Cast by: Melinda Warren
Ingredients & Instructions Assorted herbs 1
feather of a spotted owl 1 container to hold the warlock 1 pouch Mix the herbs and feather into the pouch. When the
warlock is before you, recite the words while holding the container he or she is to be trapped in.
Outside of time, outside of gain Know only sorrow, know
only pain |
To Summon Melinda Warren Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Melinda Warren Blood of our
blood Our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother We summon thee. |
To Release Melinda Warren Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Melinda Warren Blood of our
blood We release you
To Summon An Ancestor Ingredients
& Instructions 11 candles 1 cauldron 1
athame 1 mortar and pestle Assorted herbs 1 piece of ancestor’s jewelry 2 dried roses
Place five of the candles around you, forming a pentagram.
Place the remaining six candle's on the altar. Within the circle, place the cauldron, athame, and mortar and pestle. Scatter
the herbs in the mortar, and lay the roses next to them. Light the candles. In turn, each caster must prick his/her finger
with the athame and squeeze a drop of blood in or on the ancestor’s jewelry (to be used again later). Then, place the
jewelry and the mixed herbs into the cauldron and recite the words of the spell (see "To Summon Melinda Warren). After the
ancestor’s corporeal form has been summoned, s/he must wear the blooded jewelry to act as a tie to this plane.
Info thanks to Jon |
- Wicca Envy
To Banish Powers Cast by: 1.10: Prue, Piper and Phoebe 4.7: Piper
From whence
they came, return them now Vanish the words Banish our powers |
- From Fear To Eternity
To Banish Bad Luck Cast by: Piper Ingredients: A stick of sage
Sage so fair from
far and wide, Take my troubles and cast them aside. |
- Is There A Woogy In The House?
To Banish The Woogyman Cast by: 1.15: Phoebe 2.1: Phoebe and Piper
I am light I
am one too strong to fight Return to dark where shadows dwell You cannot have this Halliwell Go away and leave my
sight And take with you this endless night |
- Which Prue Is It Anyway?
To Multiply Strength Cast by: Prue
(To multiply your strength, recite these words
at length) Take my powers blessed be Multiply their strength by three |
- That 70's Episode
To Unbind A Bond Cast by: Phoebe
The bond which was not to be done Give us
the power to see it undone And turn back time to whence it was begun |
To Return To The Present Cast by: Patty Halliwell, young Prue, young Piper (and unborn Phoebe)
time for everything And everything in it's place Return what has been moved Through time and space |
"Nicholas Must Die" Cast by: 1.17: Prue, Piper and Phoebe 2.1: Prue
Mimosa, Holy thistle, Cleanse this evil from our mist, Scatter its cells throughout time, Let this Nick no more
- The Power Of Two
To Banish A Spirit Cast by: 1.20: Prue's spirit 4.17: Piper's spirit 5.21: Grams'
This spell must be cast by a spirit in order for it to work
to ashes, spirit to spirit Take their soul, banish this evil |
- Love Hurts
To Switch Powers Cast by: Piper and then Prue
What's mine is yours What's yours
is mine Let our powers cross the line I offer up my gift to share Switch our powers through the air. |
- Deja Vu All Over Again
To Accelerate Time Cast by: Prue
Winds of time, gather around. Give me wings
to speed my way. Rush me on my journey forward. Let tomorrow be today. | |
2.1 - Witch Trial
To Defeat Abraxas See 1.1 "To Gain Powers" |
To Kill Jeremy See 1.1 "Power Of Three Spell" |
To Vanquish The Woogyman See 1.15 "To Banish The Woogyman"
To Kill Nicholas See 1.17 "Nicholas Must Die"
2.2 - Morality Bites
To Move Ahead In Time Cast by: Phoebe, Prue and Piper
the date you want to travel to, written on a piece of paper
Hear these words, here the rhyme We send to you this
burning sign Then our future selves we'll find In another place and time. |
To Return From The Future Cast by: Not cast
Take us back to whence we came To time
and place that are the same Let past be present That time regain. |
To Create A Door Cast by: Prue and Piper
When you find your path
is blocked, All you have to do is knock.
To Bind Powers Cast by: Not cast
I take your hands in mine And with this string I
will entwine Your powers I'll forever bind From now until the end of time.
To Erase A Memory Cast by: Not cast
Thoughts, Beliefs, Ideas, Truths, Images All
of these you hold onto tightly What I now mention You will not remember. |
2.3 - The Painted World
To Become Smart Cast by: Phoebe
Spirits send the words, from
all across the land Allow me to absorb them, through the touch of either hand For 24 hours from 7 to 7, I will understand
all meaning of the words from here to heaven. P.S.- There will be no personal gain |
To Enter The Enchanted Painting Cast by: Prue,Piper, and Phoebe
Absolvo Amitto, Amplus
Brevis, Sempler Mea
Which in English means: To free what is lost say these words "Mine Forever"
To Free Those Trapped Inside The Enchanted Painting Cast by: Phoebe
Omnes Liberant
Which in English means: "Words free us all"
2.4 - The Devil's Music
To Vanquish Masselin Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe Ppotion to vanquish,
to rid its foul purpose, Their power infernal, are boiled with these ingredients. A solution of myrrh bark, mixed with
elecampane, Along with brown rice, in water to finish. Combine those together, blend them at once, Contribute copper
leather, this task is almost done. The demon must drink this, to relinquish his victims, To conquer his final breath,
this will be his death.
2.5 - She's A Man Baby, A Man
To Lure And Destroy A Succubus Cast by: Prue
Draw the symbol
of the succubus upon a consecrated space. With candles lit and the target laid upon the symbol of all the succubus’
desire and intone the words that follow:
By the force of Heaven and Hell Draw to us this woman fell Rend from
her foul desire That she might perish as a moth to fire. |
Thanks to Ouijianne |
2.6 - That Ol' Black Magic
To Disempower A Witch (black magic) Cast by: Tuatha
a human heart and a red ribbon, one per witch to disempower
Before the passing of this hour take away all of their
2.7 - They're Everywhere
To Hear Secret Thoughts Cast by: Prue and Piper
As flame lights
shadow, and truth ends fear, Open locked thoughts to my mind's willing ear May the smoke from this candle into everywhere
creep, Bring innermost voices to mind and speech. |
2.10 - Heartbreak City
To Send A Passenger Home (potion) Cast by: Not Cast
Ingredients and instructions Lavender Oysters Rosemary Chocolate Karis root compound The
desire to go home 1 mortar and pestle
In the mortar, mix the ingredients using one hundred slow strokes. After the potion is finished, the
target must drink it while the caster/s say the accompanying spell.
Thanks to Jon |
2.11 - Reckless Abandon
On the Place of Magic in the Rearing of A Child Written by: Patricia
child is the finest and most innocent of all innocents. It is therefore unlawful and unnatural to use magic to change what
is in the nature of a child. Before casting a spell that affects a child, the witch must ask herself "Am I doing this for
the child or am I doing this for myself?"
For the witch who is bothered by the noise of a child and would seek to use magic to bring forth peace
and quiet, this tome can only say one thing: sometimes a baby just has to cry. |
2.12 - Awakened
Awakening Spell Cast by: Prue and Phoebe
Ingredients: the blood
of the person to cast the spell on, and a poppet
Troubled blood with sleep's unease Remove the cause of this disease Take
sleep eternal nevermore And shift the source of unearthly spawn To this poppet whom none shall mourn |
Reverse Awakening Spell Cast by: Prue and Phoebe
What was awakened
from it's sleep Must once again slumber deep
(Actually, the girls didn't say the full spell as written in the Book
of Shadows - here is the rest of it)
Return the disease to whence it came So life can ease back to the same
2.13 - Animal Pragmatism
Create-A-Mate Spell Cast by: Brooke, Andrea and Tessa (Phoebe's college
(This is the version that didn't work) From strike of twelve, count twenty-four That's how long this
spell is for Turn these gifts into a mate And then my lonely heart abate. |
Create-A-Mate Spell (Modified) Cast by: Phoebe
(This is the version
that worked) From strike of twelve, count twenty-four That's how long this spell is for If to abate my lonely heart Enchant
these gifts I thee impart. |
To Turn Humans Into Animals Cast by: Phoebe
Ingredients: a pinch
of salt and a packet of herbs
Something wicked in our midst In human form these spirits dwell Make them animals
sayth the spell.
Reverse Human-Into-Animal Spell Cast by: Phoebe
Undo the magic acted here Reverse
the spell so all is clear.
2.14 - Pardon My Past
To View A Past Life Cast by: Phoebe
Remove the chains of time
and space And make my spirit soar. Let these mortal arms embrace The life that haunts before. |
To Vanquish An Evil Soul Cast by: Past-Prue and Past-Piper
witch in my sight Vanquish thyself Vanquish thy might In this and every future life. |
To Exchange Spirits With A Past Life Cast by: Phoebe
go back to the past life In this time and in this place Take the soul that I displace Bring her forth while
I go back To inhabit a soul so black.
To return from the past life In this time and in this place. Take the spirit I displace Bring me forth while she goes back to her soul so black
Spell thanks to Greywolf97217 |
2.15 - Give Me A Sign
To Give A Sign Of True Love Cast by: Phoebe
I beseech all powers
above Send a sign to free my sister's heart One that will lead her to her love. |
2.16 - Murphy's Luck
To Erase Bad Luck (2) Cast by: Prue
From this moment on Your
pain is erased Your bad luck as well. Enjoy your good luck Maggie You're free from this hell. |
2.17 - How To Make A Quilt Out Of Americans
To Call Cryto Cast by: Gail, Amanda and Helen
We call on the
demon Cryto Reach back throughout the ages Humbled by his power, We invite him into our circle. |
To Vanquish Cryto Cast by: Phoebe
What witch has done and then
undone. Return this spirit back within And seperate him from his skin. |
To Call The Power Of A Witch/ To Find A Lost Witch Cast by: 2.17: Gail, Amanda and Helen
- then Prue, Piper and Phoebe 4.13: Piper, Phoebe and Paige 4.21: Phoebe and Paige 6.4: Piper, Phoebe and Paige
of the witches rise Course unseen across the skies Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here.
To Separate A Witch From Their Power (potion) Cast by: 2.17: Gail, Amanda and Helen
a crucible of the blackest lead, combine gypsies blood with a mandrakes head, more of the nightshade will you boil, the henbane,
datura, and from pox in oil. With hemlock root complete the drought, foul and dark like night and craft, of the creator of
this new brew and her desire, to steal from another for vengeance, power, or ire.
Info thanks to Trey |
To Drive Away A Love Cast by: Not cast
Put the despised lover’s
name in a spiced velvet bag. As the bag burns, chant these words:
Be it shall so desire I As Bee the you're Queen the I'm Thee conjure I, Thee conjure I
Info thanks to Ouijianne |
2.18 - Chick Flick
To Destroy The Demon Of Illusion Cast by: Phoebe (It didn't work)
that has travelled near I call on you to disappear. Elementals heed my call Remove this creature from these walls.
2.19 - Ex Libris
To Vanquish Libris Cast by: Prue
Demon hide your evil face, Libris,
die and leave no trace. |
2.21 - Apocalypse Not
To Vanquish The Demon Of Anarchy Cast by: Piper and Phoebe (It didn't
Sower of discord, Your works now must cease. I vanquish thee now, With these words of peace. |
2.22 - Be Careful What You Witch For
To Vanquish Dragon Demon Cast By: Piper, Phoebe and Prue
See 1.1 "Power Of Three Spell"
3.1 - The Honeymoon's Over
Teaser Spell Cast by: Not cast, - Prue flipped to this page in the teaser
for this episode
Famous books such as the Book of Demons, the Book of Kells, and the ------------------ gospels
were all written by scribes in the 8th century in insular half-crown or colored script, numbered -- such rich precision, the
quill seems to move over the page with --------- ----- ------ the scribes ------ written with the quill held at a flat
angle so the ------- they have pleasing ------------ to the eye, are quick to read ----- ------- each these shows home to
such a fine example of calligraphy and beautiful illustrations that even by today’s artists they cannot be equalled.
Thanks to Jon |
3.2 - Magic Hour
Handfasting Cast by: Not cast, as it isn't really a spell Also in:
Handfasting is the eternal joining of two people in Love. It is a sacred ceremony of commitment, presided over
by a High Priestess.
Best performed at sunrise or sunset where both the sun and the moon are present in the joining of the
two Lovers.
"Heart to thee, body to thee, always and forever, so mote it be." |
3.3 - Once Upon A Time
To See The Unseen Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
In this tween time, this darkest hour, We call upon the sacred power. Three together stand alone, Command
the unseen to be shown. In innocence we search the skies, Enchanted are our newfound eyes. |
3.4 - All Halliwell's Eve
To Cast A Protective Circle Cast by: Prue and Phoebe
Ingredients: Apples defining the perimeter of the circle
Knowledge and reverence Knowledge
and reverence Knowledge and reverence |
3.5 - Sight Unseen
To Trap A Foe Cast by: Prue
6 citerate crystals
Enchant the six crystals. Place five at equidistant points around an object or place, creating the
outline of a pentagram. The area inside the pentagram will act as a ‘power grid’ to electrocute and trap any demons
that cross into it. The sixth crystal is to be carried; it will emit a glow when the power grid is activated, alerting the
carrier to the capture of a demon.
3.6 - Primrose Empath
Empath Spell Cast by: Prue
Free the Empath Release his gift Let his pain be cast adrift. |
3.8 - Sleuthing With The Enemy
Belthazor Potion Incantation Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Ingredients & Instructions Cockle shells Pig’s feet Crickets Mandrake 1 piece
of Belthazor's flesh Dash of Cardamom Toadflax Pinch of Carrot Seeds
Mix ingredients, minus the demon flesh, and bring to a boil. Speak the words of the chant and then
add Belthazor’s skin. The potion may be thrown at Belthazor to vanquish him; if you should run out, another batch is
required to be made. |
To Summon Belthazor Cast by: Prue and Piper
Magic forces black and white, Reaching out through space and light, Be he far or be he near, Bring
us the demon Belthazor here. |
Info thanks to Jon, Trey and Ouijianne |
3.9 - Coyote Piper
To Kill An Alchemist Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone The Alchemist shall transform none, Cruel scientist of evil
born With these words face the fire´s scorn. |
To Destroy An Essence Cast by: Prue, Piper and Phoebe
Host soul reject this evil essence Let love's light end this cruel possession. |
To Animate The Dead (black magic) Cast by: Kierkan
Caducus Exanimas
Vita Aetas Anima |
Animate Dead spell thanks to Trey |
3.11 - Blinded By The WhiteLighter
Vanquish Warlock Eames Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Prue
for amends and a victims revenge Clone power turned sour Power to change turned strange I'm rejecting your deflection.
To Summon A Darklighter Cast by: Eams
Ixo Mende Layto Sempar
Spell thanks to Trey |
3.12 - Wrestling With Demons
To Banish Lost Souls Cast by: Phoebe
I return what I didn't want
to find Let it be out of sight, out of mind. |
To Find Tom Cast by: Phoebe
Show me the path that I cannot find
To save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind. |
Lost And Found Spell Cast by: Phoebe and Piper
Guiding spirits
I ask your charity Lend me your focus and clarity Lead me to the one I cannot find Restore that and my peace of
3.13 - Bride And Gloom
Dark Priestess Spell Cast by: Dantalion
Through this book weave
this spell Create the pain of heaven to hell May she suffer Excemo dempress anama tomb |
Hemlock Killing Spell Book of Shadows - Evil version Cast by: Not
Betask of Hemlock, do your deed Blood of life, will you impede Poisoned bark, will stop the breath And
in the bud, will bring death. |
To Kill A Female Warlock Book of Shadows - Evil version Cast by:
Not cast
Through the book, cast the spell Bring the death, of evil and hell May she suffer, until she cries
Her tears will run, and then she dies.
To Vanquish An Evil Priestess Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Prue
of light Magic of right Cast this blight Into forever's night |
3.14 - The Good, The Bad, And The Cursed
Time Loop Curse Cast by: Bo Lightfeather's Grandfather
A time
loop is a period of time that repeats itself over and over again ad infinitum. Sometimes the loop is localized to a specific
place or group. But at other time a loops effects can be felt globally. There are some beings are powerful enough to create
time loops, such as Tempus, the devil's sorcerer. But the causes of a loop can be far more cosmic. For example certain spiritual
traditions believe a great evil or great injustice can be cursed into a time loop until righted. |
3.15 - Just Harried
Spoken by: Piper and Leo
See 3.1 "Handfasting" |
3.16 - Death Takes A Halliwell
To Summon Death Cast by: Prue
Spirits of air, sand and sea Converge
to set the angel free In the wind I send this rhyme Bring death before me, before my time. |
To Vanquish Seekers Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Prue
gained by murderous means Is wisdom's bitter enemy The mind that burns with stolen fire Will now become your funeral
pyre. |
3.17 - Pre-Witched
To Perform A Seance A ceremony to contact the dead. Cast by: Phoebe,
Piper and Prue
To perform this ritual you will need candles white and purple in color and while cloth in addition.
You will need to sweeten the air by burning cinnamon, frankinsence and sandalwood. As the fire burns, concentrate on contact
and the spirit and chant the spell that follows. If you know the mortal name of the deceased adjust the spell accordingly.
unknown spirit, We seek your guidance, We ask that you commune with us And move among us. |
Nine Deaths Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Prue
Nine times this
evil's cheated death Felt no pain and kept his breath This warlock standing in our midst Let him now feel what
he has missed. |
3.19 - The Demon Who Came In From The
Power Stripping Potion
Ingredients: 1 pinch of dandelion 1
dash of chickweed Billings root Water A mortar and pestle
Grind ingredients together in a mortar in pestle. Shake water vigorously for two-hundred heartbeats
and add dandelion and chickweed. The potion must cool and turn blood-red to be complete. |
Info thanks to Jon |
3.20 - Exit Strategy
Amulet Activation Spell
Evil is approaching Let Darkness be withstood Blanket
me with defenses Protect me with the power of good
Info thanks to Jon |
3.21 - Look Who's Barking
To Track A Banshee Cast by: Phoebe and Piper
The piercing cry
that feeds on pain, and leaves more sorrow than a gain, shall now be heard by one who seeks, to stop the havoc
that it wreaks |
3.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose
To Deter/Kill Shax Cast by: 3.22: Phoebe, then Prue and Piper 4.1: Piper, Phoebe and
Evil wind that blows, That which forms below. No longer will you dwell, Death
takes you with this spell. |
- Charmed Again (Part 1)
To Restore Prue Cast by: Piper (unsuccessful)
In this night and in this hour I call upon the ancient power Bring
back my sister Bring back the Power Of Three
To Move Inspector Cortez Cast by: Grams and Phoebe
Take him back Take him away Remove him now Don't let
him stay. We call on the spirits to help undo And send him off to Timbucktoo. |
To Call Paige Cast by: 4.1: Piper 6.5: Piper
Mix these ingredients in a silver mortar: a pinch of rosemary a
sprig of cypress a yarrow root
Grind with a pestle while chanting: Powers of the witches rise Course unseen
across the skies Come to us who call you near Come to us and settle here
Add a drop of your own blood, then chant: Blood
to blood I summon thee Blood to blood return to me
To Summon A Spirit Cast by: 4.1: Piper 4.2: Piper and Phoebe 5.21: Piper and Phoebe
Requires: A circle of candles
Hear these words, hear
my cry Spirit from the other side Come to me, I summon the Cross now the great divide
Also see 3.22 "To Deter/Kill Shax" |
- Charmed Again (Part 2)
To Enchant An Object Cast by: Piper and Phoebe
This spell enchants an object so that it will identify evil.
forces far and wide, Enchant these so those can't hide, Allow this witch to use therein, So she can reveal the
evil within |
- Hell Hath No Fury
To Promote Compromise Cast by: Paige
These words will travel through the minds Of stubborn parties
and unbind, The thoughts too ridged to be kind, A compromise they'll dis-entwine. |
Vanishing Spell Cast by: 4.3, 4.13, 4.15, 4.21, 6.6: Paige 6.3: Piper
Let the object of objection become but
a dream, As I cause the seen to be unseen |
Reversal Spell Cast by: 4.3 : Phoebe and Paige 4.15: Piper
Write the spell on a piece of paper and burn in candle flame
Guided spirits, Hear our plea. Annual this magic. Let
it be. (4.3 only) Please let it be. |
Instant Karma Cast by: Paige
**In the episode, Paige exchanged the word 'demon' for 'dirtbag'
To make a demon feel the pain he inflicts
Let cruelty, pain and evil ways Follow this villain through
all his days Reverse the torment he creates To turn on him a crueler fate |
To Call Piper Fury Cast by: Cast by: Paige and Phoebe
Requires a drop of blood into candle flame
Power of the sister rise, Course unseen across the skies, Come
to us, we call you near. Come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return
to me |
- Size Matters
To Kill Gammil Cast by: Phoebe, with the words in brackets by Piper and Paige
Small of mind (small of mind) Big of woe (big of woe) The
pain you caused (the pain you caused) You now will know (you now will know) |
- A Knight To Remember
To Summon/Enchant A Prince Cast by: Evil Enchantress, Paige
Bring together my prince and me. Let him fall on bended
knee. I summon him to my side, That he may take me to be his destined bride. |
To Open A Portal To A Past Life Cast by: Paige
Bring together my prince and me. His kingdom now I wish
to see. Crossing history to his side, From myself I will not hide. |
To Vanquish Shocker Demon Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Paige
Vanquish, we three witches cry. One final shock and then
you die. |
4.7 - Brain Drain
To Vanquish Chameleon Cast by: Piper
Evil hiding in plain sight I use this spell with all my
might Stop your changing form and shape This vanquish seals your fate |
Mind Link Cast by: Phoebe and Paige
Life to life and mind to mind Our spirits now will entertwine We meld
our souls and journey to The one whose thoughts we wish we knew |
Relinquish Powers See 1.10: "To Banish Powers"
Reverse Mind Link
Cast by: Not Cast
Life from life and mind from mind Our spirits now will disentwine (or dis-entwine) We
part our souls and journey home To let our thoughts be on their own.
Spell thanks to Deo |
- Muse To My Ears
To See A Muse Cast by: Phoebe
Being of creativity, show yourself now to me. Your light
that shines upon our face, let our vision now embrace |
Warlock Vanquishing Limerick Cast by: Not cast
A warlock is a funny thing, he blinks from place to place, and when we say
these words to him, his face they will erase |
To Find A Muse Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
Being of creativity, We call ourselves now to thee Your light
now darkened in a ring Shall feel the power of three we bring
Warlock Vanquishing Spell Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will,
with these words, waste the warlocks evil zest
To Un-See A Muse Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
Being of creativity, Hide yourself now from me, Your light that
shines upon our face From our vision, now erase
4.11 - Trial By Magic
To Summon The Spirit Of Angela Provizolis Cast by: Piper, Phoebe and Paige
Hear these words Hear our
cry Spirit from the other side Come to us we summon thee Cross now the great divide Beloved spirit Angela We
seek your guidance We ask that you commune with us And move among us
(This is a combination of two spells, 4.01 "To Summon A Spirit"
and 3.17 "To Perform A Seance")
To Stretch The Imagination Cast by: Paige
Let mind and body soar To heights not reached before Let limits stretch That
you may catch A new truth to explore |
4.12 - Lost And Bound
To Destroy/Weaken A Magic Shield Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
Door unlock No magic block |
To Vanquish Ludlow (Haiku) Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
The brittle winter gives way to flowers of spring Ludlow is vanquished
4.13 - Charmed And Dangerous
To Vanquish The Source Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe Also in: 4.21
Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda Astrid, Helena,
Alora, and Grace... Halliwell witches stand strong beside us, Vanquish this evil from time and space. |
To Contain The Hollow Cast by: Phoebe and The Seer
Aboleo extium cavium du eternias. |
Fix Caroline's Appearance See 4.3 "Vanishing Spell" |
To Call Powers From The Hollow See 2.17 "To Call The Power Of A Witch/ To Find A Lost Witch"
4.14 - The Three Faces Of Phoebe
To Discover Your Heart's Desire Cast by: Phoebe
My heart is strong, my spirit is weak, it is an answer that I seek, the question
burns within the fire, so I may hear my heart's desire |
To Vanquish Kurzon Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Paige
Hell threw you from its inner core, but earth won't hold you anymore, since
heaven cannot be your place, your flesh and blood we now erase! |
- Marry-Go-Round
Dark Wedding Not a spell - performed on Cole and Phoebe
A wedding performed in a cemetery, by a dark priest, during
which the groom drinks the bride's blood. A dark wedding can make even a good witch open to be the vessel for an evil child |
- Saving Private Leo
To Vanquish Evil Spirits See 1.20 "To Banish A Spirit" |
- Bite Me
To Vanquish A Harpy Cast by: Phoebe, Piper and Paige
Claw of pain we have to sever, demon you are gone forever! |
- We're Off To See The Wizard
To Gain The Source's Powers Cast by: The Wizard
Msolus into exitus omne
4.21 - Womb Raider
To Steal A Baby From The Womb Cast by: The Seer
Give me strength and give me might, To steal a child in still of night. Darkest
forces let it be, Hear my plea, bring life to me! |
Power Of Three Spell See 1.1 "Power Of Three
To Call Piper To The Underworld See 2.17
"To Call The Power Of A Witch/ To Find A Lost Witch"
To Make The Penthouse Look Normal See 4.3
"Vanishing Spell" |
- Witch Way Now?
To Find A Lost Love Cast by: Not cast
Whither my love Wherever you be Throught time and space Take my heart near
to thee
To Find A Lost Love - Travel To Astral Plane Cast by: Phoebe
Whither my love, Wherever you be, Through
Time and Space Take my love near to thee.
To Find A Lost Love - Return From Astral Plane Cast by: Paige and Piper
Return thy love wherever you be, Through
time and space, bring her back to me!
- A Witch's Tail (Part 1)
To Create A Rainstorm Cast by: Sea Hag
Water rise up from the sea Find the one who fled from me Follow
where the winds are cold Then fall tenfold like days of old
To Locate The Sea Hag Cast by: Piper, Phoebe and Paige
Powers of the witches rise, Find a hag who speaks in lies Balance
chakras, focus chi Lead us through the cruel, cruel sea |
5.2 - A Witch's Tail (Part 2)
Fearless Spell Cast by: Piper
Locked in, Boxed in, Full of fear. My panic grows
manic till I can't hear. In need of a reprieve so that I can breathe. Remove my fear, Please make it leave. |
To Reveal Phobe's Love Cast by: Paige
Open Phoebe's heart to Cole Reveal the secret that it holds Bring
forth the passion of love's fire That he may feel her true desire
To Vanquish Necron Cast by: Paige
(This is a Power Of Three spell - Piper and Phoebe were holding
Paige's hands during casting)
Tide of evil washed ashore bring this darkness evermore With
all our strength we fight this fate Make this evil obliterate |
- Happily Ever After
To Trap Apprentice In Mirror Cast by: Evil Witch
Freedom's lost, must be unwitting Into the glass to
do my bidding. |
To Counteract Poison Cast by: Piper
Hear our call for those who fall Purge her to awaken from
this toxic take-in.
- Siren's Song
To Lure A Siren Cast by: Not cast but created by Leo
Oh singing lady of the dusk Who preys on men, turns love to lust We
hearken yea... |
- The Eyes Have It
To Vanquish Orin Cast by: Eva, Paige and Phoebe
Nicoli gypsys stand strong beside me, Marina, Theresa, Lydia ((Nicoli
gypsys stand strong beside us, Vanquish this evil from time and space.)) ((Repated untill vanquished)) |
To Read A Fortune Cast by: Lydia and Paige
1 Cup Tealeaves Water
Fill up the cup with water and the tealeaves. The ones who
wants his or her fortune told must swirl it, then cast out the water and then the signs must be read by another.
fortune: Signs: X, Thorn, Broken spiral Meaning: No balance
Lydia's fortune: Signs: X, Lighting bolt Meaning:
Bad omen
Thanks to
Chad |
Thanks to
Jon |
Eva's Mother's Recipe Cast by: Not cast
The Sun keys Sulpanth Mercury Water Blood of Pelican Head
of a Roach Head of a Black Dragon Hyena Eyes
The first…. in that which Opens the dark…. in Which
the ……… in sharp On this of which L…. in To attract the scent out of.
Thanks to
Jon |
- Sympathy For The Demon
To Vanquish Barbas Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe (unsuccessful)
Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace, Halliwell witches stand strong
beside us! Vanquish this evil from time and space!
To Vanquish Past Demon Cast by: Penny
demon Creature of death Fire shall take Your very breath |
- A Witch In Time
To Steal A Witch's Heart Cast by: Bacarra
Magic attrecto
To Induce Deep Sleep Cast by: Bacarra
Sopio |
To Disrupt A Witch's Power Cast by: Bacarra
Aspectus invisus |
To Disempower A Witch Cast by: Bacarra
See episode
2.6 "To Disempower A Witch" |
To Hide The Time Portal Cast by: Bacarra
Consilio Translation:
To Create A Fire Ball Cast by: Bacarra
Globus Translation: Fire Ball |
To Break A Freeze Cast by: Bacarra
Imber Translation: Ice Storm |
To Stop Piper Cast by: Bacarra
Debilito Translation:
Cripple |
To Deflect Piper's Powers Cast by: Bacarra
Adigo Translation: Defend me, Compel |
To Teleport An Object Cast by: Bacarra
Teleportato Translation:
conceal |
To Vanquish Bacarra Cast by: Phoebe (didn't work)
call upon Medusa's bones Turn their flesh into stone |
Spells thanks
to Jon, Trey and Brendan |
5.10 - The Mummy's Tomb
To Mummify A Witch Cast by: Jeric
Saqqara Tiet Usheb Ti |
To See A Past Scrying Location Cast by: Paige
Scrying secrets come to me, drop again so I might
see. |
To Move A Spirit Cast by: Jeric
Khet Mastaba Hotep Ka |
To Expel A Soul Cast by: Posessed Pheobe/Isis (Didn't work)
Together no more through time, expel her soul, leave only
mine. |
To Expel The Soul Of Isis Cast by: Piper
Two warring souls now burn inside, where only one can reside. I call upon the
power of three, to save her body and set Paige free.
To Demummify A Witch Cast by: Paige
Dromos Wabet Kufu Nemes Akh |
Spells thanks
to Trey |
- The Importance Of Being Phoebe
To Remove Phoebe's Power Cast by: Piper
This Witch's power can not fight, the lure of evil's magic
might, before misuse lines in hell, remove the powers of Phoebe Halliwell |
Spells thanks to Trey |
5.12 - Centennial Charmed
To Turn Someone Into An Avatar Cast by: An Avatar
Ribus uero fecit orum bitis danae. Arca nvenio hospiyto fortis
mundus." |
To Alter The Past Cast by: Cole (incomplete)
Magna tempus dormiebat ribus- |
To Stop Sneezing Cast by: Not cast
A mixture containing ginger root and raspberry leaves. |
Spells thanks
to Trey |
5.13 - House Call (aka Obsessions)
To Cleanse The House Cast by: Phoebe
Burn sage bundle and ring cowbell while chanting:
"Eima Daba Sayto Mundo" |
To Summon A Witchdoctor Cast by: Phoebe
Ingredients & Instructions Liverwort Pinch
of dragon root Snakeskin
Add liverwort and dragon root together in a cauldron;
Chant: Free us from the
ties that bind Of evil magic intertwined We call upon the one who cures he who's to the Dark inured
Then add
the snakeskin to summon a witch doctor |
Reverse Vanishing Spell Cast by: Piper
Let the object of objection return, so that it's existence
may be reaffirmed |
Spells thanks
to Trey, Nicole and Jon |
- Sand Fransico Dreamin' (aka Dreamspell)
To Sleep Cast by: Paige, Piper and Phoebe
Instructions Read
the spell aloud to activate; sprinkle the casters with dream dust to enhance the magic.
Let we who awaken from our sleep Return at once to slumber
deep |
Spell thanks to Trey,
instructions thanks to Jon |
- The Day The Magic Died (aka Special Delivery)
To Get Rid Of A Unicorn Cast by: Phoebe (didn't work)
this beast, before I end her. Ship her back, return to sender. |
To Vanquish Doris and Cronyn Cast by: Phoebe
unicorn's horn shavings on demons
Beast of legend, myth, and lore. Give my words the power to soar, and kill
this evil evermore.
Spells thanks
to Trey |
- Lucky Charmed
To Summon A Rainbow Cast by: Phoebe, Saleel, Shamus
N-Eiri An Bothar Leat.
To Restore A Sweater Cast by: Paige
Instructions: Lay sweater on table with a candle nearby. Say spell over sweater and burn
the paper with the spell on it.
Personal loss should not be mine, restore this sweater, and make it fine.
Spell To Find Good Luck Cast by: Paige
Finances have run amok, creditors I soon must duck, I cast this spell to find
good luck, and hope my life will cease to suck.
To Distribute Bad Luck Cast by: Saleel and Leprechauns
Instructions: Chant over golden luck nugget
Marbhfaisc Ort
To Distribute Good Luck Cast by: Saleel and Shamus
Instructions: Chant over golden luck nugget
Slante Is Tainte |
Spells thanks
to Trey |
- Cat House
To Relive Memories Cast by: Piper
Instructions: After saying the spell, burn the paper that the
spell was on
Let the truth be told, let
our lives unfold, so we can relive memories, and stop being enemies. |
Spell thanks
to Trey |
- Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun (aka Naughty Nymphs)
To Turn Tull Into A Tree Cast by: Piper and Paige
Changing seasons changes all, life renews as creation calls. Nothing
is immune, Everything transmutes, take this demon and give him roots. |
Spell thanks
to Trey |
- Necromancing The Stone
To Summon The Creeper's Leader Cast by: Paige
Demons who dwell
in slivers of night, uncloak your shadows to witch's sight |
To Summon The Necromancer Cast by: Necromancer's minion
Instructions: Place bones and skull in the shape of a pentagon. Pour red
sand into pentagon and chant:
Evocum A letiterum abdigo. Manes ascendo. Manes ascendo. |
To Summon Grams See 4.1 - To Summon A Spirit
To Vanquish The Necromancer See 1.20 - To Banish A Spirit
Truth Spell See 1.8 - Truth Spell |
To Call The Halliwell Matriarchs Cast by: Grams
I call forth from space and time, matriarchs from the Halliwell line, mothers, daughters,
sisters, friends, our family spirit without end, to gather now in this sacred place and help us bring this child
to grace |
Spells thanks
to Trey |
- Oh My Goddess (Part 1)
To Free The Titans Cast by: Unknown Demon
dormio lebertus chilus dechio Emergo dormio lebertus chilus dechio |
To Turn Witches Into Goddesses Cast by: Leo
Ekre oh-gee, akman minento |
Spells thanks
to xox-Nix-xox |
6.1 - Valhalley Of The Dolls (Part 1)
To Reverse A Contentment Spell Cast by: Paige
Spell was cast now make it pass, remove it now, don't ask me how. |
To Vanquish Trok Demon Cast by: Phoebe
From other worlds far and near, let's get him the trok out of here |
Memory Spell Cast by: Paige
Powers and emotions tied, a witch's heart is where it hides, help her through her agony, bless
her with her memory. |
Spells thanks to Greg |
6.2- Valhalley Of The Dolls (Part 2)
Re-Worded Empathy Spell Cast by: Paige
Open Piper's heart to reveal that part which only Phoebe feels, send it back from whence it
came, but don't protect her from the pain.
To Reverse A Dog Curse Cast by: Paige
I call upon the Halliwells, I call our powers to undo this spell, make right again that we
must, reverse the curse that made this mutt.
Spells thanks to Greg |
6.3 - Forget Me....Not (aka Dragon's Heart)
To Fill In The Blank Cast by: Paige
Moments lost make witches wonder, warlocks plot or demons plunder? If this is not a prank, help
us to fill in the blank.
Vanishing Spell Cast by: Piper
See 4.3 - Vanishing Spell
Spells thanks to Greg |
6.4 - The Power Of Three Blondes (aka
Dirty Blondes)
To Scry Using Bile Cast by: Stillman Sisters Black magic
Give me sight through the blackest bile, show me the faces I revile. |
To Assume The Charmed One's Identities Cast by: Stillman Sisters Black
Blinking faces blank and ho-hum, we are they and they are no-one, grant to us the power of
three, and turn them into nobody. |
To Call The Power Of A Witch See 2.17 - To Call The Power Of A Witch
Spells thanks to Greg |
6.5 - Love's A Witch
To Find Paige Cast by: Phoebe
Lead me back from whence this came, help me help my sister's pain.
To Summon The Spirit Of Olivia Calloway Cast by: Paige
Unknown spirit, we call to thee, those who wish to set you free, cross on over so we may help,
come to us, reveal yourself." |
To Block Emotions Cast by: Phoebe (It didn't work)
In the name of the Halliwell line, bar my sister from this power of mine.
To Banish A Ghost See 1.20 - The Power Of Two
To Find Posessed Paige See 4.1 - To Call Paige |
Spells thanks to Greg |
6.6 - My Three Witches
Vanishing Spell Cast by: Paige
See 4.3 - Vanishing Spell
6.7 - Soul Survivor
To Summon Zahn Cast by: Piper
Well call upon the ancient power, To summon one to save a soul.
Spell thanks to Brendan |
6.8 - Sword And The City
To Vanquish Dark Knight Potion - not used
1 pinch wereboar tusk 1 lock Nymph hair 3 drops Wraith Essence 1 level tsp Black Poppy 2
leave of Arrow leaf 3 petals of Dwarf Lotus 1 cup Aged Puer Tear 3 drops Loggerhead turtle saliva 1 drop Kudin
tree oil
Potion thanks to Charmed Lives |
6.9 - Little Monsters
Invincibility Spell Cast by: Paige
Blessed with powers from my destiny, I bless this hero with invincibility
6.10 - Chris-Crossed
Summon Book Of Shadows Cast by: Chris
I call upon the ancient power, To help us in this darkest hour. Let the Book return to this place, Claim
refuge in its rightful place.
Travel To The Past Cast by: Chris
Hear these words, hear the rhyme. Heed the hope within my mind. Send me back to where I'll find, What
I wish in place and time. |
Power Restoration Spell Cast by: Chris
Power of the witches rise, Come to me across the skies. Return my magic, give me back. All
that was taken from the attack |
Spells thanks to Charmed Lives |
6.11 - WitchStock
Flower-Power Peace Spell Cast by: Penny Halliwell
They have no right, they have no powers. Turn their hatesicks into flowers.
Seduction Spell Cast by: Piper
Come to me and be seduced, I have a girl to introduce, fall for her you can't resist her, trust
me mister, she's my sister |
Spell thanks to Badkittie96 |
Spell thanks to Islandpierat2 |
Love Spell Cast by: Penny Halliwell (It didn't work)
May peace and love, from the moon above, flow through your heart, on the wings of a dove
To Call Evil Cast by: Robin (black magic)
And so I call upon the Crone, let evil roam inside this home |
Flower-Power Vanquishing Spell Cast by: Penny Halliwell
Snuff this warlock, his days are done, but make him good for the ecosystem. |
To Vanquish Unnamed Slime Demon Cast by: Paige
Drawing on the power of three, destroy this evil entity |
6.12 - Prince Charmed
To Save A Soul Cast by: Piper
Well call upon the ancient power, To summon one to save a soul.
Spell thanks to Brendan |
6.13 - Used Karma
To Cleanse One's Karma Cast by: Richard
I call to thee, pure witches fire, Through vortex flow the heavenly mire Cleanse brackish
karma of debris From dark to light sweep history.
To Vanquish The Swarm King Cast by: Piper, Phoebe, Paige
Demons that swarm that serve as one Vanquish him from which they come
6.14 - The Legend Of Sleepy Halliwell
To Vanquish The Headless Horseman Cast by: Piper, Phoebe, Paige
Power of three, unite To end this grisly fright. Reverse the roles, And make us whole.
6.15 - I Dream Of Phoebe
To Vanquish Bosk Cast by: Paige
Combine the following ingredients:
Mandrake, Dark Roasted Wattleseed, Dwarf Milkweed, Dried Ragweed.
6.16 - The Courtship of Wyatt's Father
Spell to Contact the Spirit of a Sister Cast by: Paige
Sister spirit, we call to thee. Cross on over so we may see.
6.17 - Hyde School Reunion
Spell to Turn Into One's Former Self Cast by: Phoebe
Those who mock who I am, Let them always remember when.
Spell to Change People Into High School Seniors Cast
by: Phoebe
The past is the future and the future is the past. Let's welcome back the senior class!
Spell to Create Fire Cast by: Phoebe
Make them see what cannot be: Flames that leap to make them flee |
Spell to Make a Criminal Hear Sirens Cast by: Phoebe
him hear what isn't there, His deepest worries come to bear |
Spell to Change Someone's Appearance Into Chris' Cast by: Phoebe
Who you were, you're now another. Take the face
of Wyatt's brother. |
6.18 - Spin City
Spell to Restore a Person's True Appearance Cast by: Paige
You who found me at this bar, Return to who you really are.
Spell to Bestow Good Luck Cast by: Riley
Activates the magic of a golden nugget of luck
Sláinte is táinte
6.19 - Crimes and Witch Demeanors
Spell to Turn Flowers Into Fire Cast by: Phoebe
Flowers that bring desire Make them turn into fire.
Spell to Summon The Tribunal Cast by: Gideon
Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
Spell to Make Something Vanish Cast by: Paige
Let the object of objection Become but a dream As I cause the seen To be unseen |
Spell to Reverse The Vanishing Spell Cast by: Piper
Let the object of objection return So that it's existence may be reaffirmed |
6.20 - A Wrong Day's Journey Into Right
Spell to Summon Mr. Right Cast by: Paige
A perfect man I summon now Another way I don't know how Bring him now into the light Come
back to me, Mr. Right
Spell to Rapidly Age Someone Cast by: Vincent
What once resided in its place Shall soon be gone with no haste Make this girl age in time As
punishment for her heinous crime
6.21 - Witch Wars
Spell to Activate a Ronyx Crystal
Mallock cormon alli-tas
6.22 - It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World
Part 1
Spell to Open a Portal to a Parallel Dimension
In this place and in this hour, We call upon the ancient power. Open the door through time and
space, Create a path to another place.
Spell to Enchant a Blade to Penetrate a Protective Shield
Wanton powers in this blade yield Penetrate that which would shield
Spell to Vanquish Gideon
We call upon ancient lore To punish with the power of four, Strike down this threat from both there and here, Make him suffer, then disappear.
6.22 - It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World
Part 2
Spell to Make People Happy
Call now the powers, blessed be, To make my sisters happy |
7.1 - A Call To Arms
Spell to Release Gods From Mortals Cast by: Paige
We call upon the mortal ways And gods who guide but may not stay, We seek those of divinity To
separate from and set them free.
7.2 - The Bare Witch Project
Spell to Return Lady Godvia to Her Time Cast By: Paige
From lands afar and time and space Take her now from this our place, One that dwells so must
remain, Send her back to her domain.
Spell to Summon Lord Dyson Cast By: Piper, Phoebe, Paige
We look to find the evil set free, Bring this demon before us three.
Spell to Return Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson to Their Time Cast By: Paige
From lands afar and time and space Take them now from this our place, Two that dwell so must
remain, Send them back to their domain.
Spell to Summon Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson Cast By:
Where royals once lived, so did she, Bring forth the naked lady
from the eleventh century. |
Spell to Return What Have Been Misplaced In Time Cast
By: Duncan(student at Magic School)
A time for everything and everything in place, Return
what has been moved from time and space.
7.3 - Cheaper By The Coven
Spell to Summon a Spirit Cast By: Paige
Hear me now, hear my cries, Spirit from the other side, Cross now the great divide.
Spell to Resolve Sibling Rivalry Cast By: Grams
Pass your petty jealousies to darkest night Let these feuding siblings no longer fight
Spell to Freeze Someone Cast By: Grams
Let this girl, quick as a sneeze, Stop this snit and quickly freeze.
Spell to Reverse the Sibling Rivalry Spell Cast By: Patty
Reverse the spell from the book, And please restore what was took. |
Spell to Summon the Halliwell Matriarchs Cast By: Grams
I call forth from space and time, The matriarchs from the Halliwell line, Mothers, daughters,
sisters, friends, Our family's spirit without end.
7.4 - Charrrmed!
Spell to Active the Fountain of Youth
With these offerings, I call on thee, The goddess of fertility Rise now, show us the
truth, Give us the gift of eternal youth.
7.5 - Styx Feet Under
No Spells were cast in this episode!
7.6 - Once In A Blue Moon
No Spells were cast in this episode!
7.7 - Someone To Witch over Me
Spell to See Guardians Cast by: Paige
Show me what the evil sees, Even if at lightning speeds. |
Family tree |
Charlotte Warren 1644 - ?
Melinda Warren October 31, 1670 - 1697
Prudence Warren 1695 - ?
Brianna Warren 1831 - ?
Mr. Russell 1875 - 1958
Mr. Baxter 1880 - ?
Phoebe Russell July 2, 1894 - February 17, 1924
Gordon Johnson 1895 - August 1965
Prudence Bowen January 1895 - May 1962
Piper Baxter September 1897 - December 1970
Jack Halliwell 1930 - 1964
Penelope Johnson / Halliwell June 23, 1937 - March 5,
Gordon Johnson Jr. 1943 - 1970
Patricia Halliwell 196- -1978
Prudence Halliwell October 11, 1971 - 2001
Piper Halliwell August 7, 1973 - still living
Phoebe Halliwell November 2, 1975 - still living
Paige Halliwell 1977 - still living
Wyatt Halliwell February16, 2003-still living
Chris Halliwell May 16, 2004-still living
Future Chris May 16,2004- May 16, 2027 |
the power of three will set us free!!!